Sunday, August 5, 2012

How to create a Oracle form?


Install Oracle Developer Suite 10g.

Oracle Developer Suite 10g includes a standalone version of Oracle 10g Containers for J2EE (OC4J), which you can use as a Web listener and a servlet container to test Forms applications. To get ready to build and test a form, perform the following steps:

1.From the Windows Start menu, select Programs | Oracle Developer Suite iDS10g | Forms Developer | Start OC4J Instance.

From the Windows Start menu, select Programs | Oracle Developer Suite -Devsuite home1 | Forms Developer | Forms Builder.

When Forms Builder starts, an empty form is automatically created named Module1. Select the Module1 name, then click it again to change the name of the form. Type in the name Employee and press enter.

Click Save Save button. By default, Forms saves files in the \bin directory of your Developer Suite installation. You may want to save it in a different directory; if desired, you can create a new directory called proects in which to save the application.

Connect to the database as the HR user by clicking Connect.
Building a data-block:-
1. Select the Data Blocks node in the Object Navigator, then click Create .

2. In the New Data Block dialog, ensure that Use the Data Block Wizard is selected, then click OK.

3. In the Table or view field, type EMP_MASTER for the table name, then click Refresh. Click the right double arrow button to move all available columns to the Database Items to be included in the block, then click Next >.
4. Accept the default name for the block, which is the same as the table name, and click Next >.
5. On the final page of the Data Block Wizard, click Finish to create the data block and invoke the Layout Wizard.
If the Welcome to the Layout Wizard page displays, click Next >.
Accept the defaults and click Next > to lay out the items on a new content canvas.
Display the EMP_CODE and EMP_NAME and click Next>
Click Next > to accept the default item prompt, width, and height for both items.
Click Next > to accept the Form layout.
On the final page of the Layout Wizard, click Finish to create the canvas and open it in the Layout Editor.
Click Save .
Click Run Form to test it (be sure that you have started OC4J -- see Step 1).
Click Exit Form to exit the application, then close the browser window.

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